A Band has a Name

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The exciting Cologne-based Latin Jazz Quintet, formerly known on the internet by the members’ last names (Nickoll, Hahnfeld, Böttcher, Hunter, Villa) or by the title of our first album (Eh’ Neeky) has finally been christened with a name. Welcome to the world, Viento Terral!

Viento Terral had a serendipitous and exciting musical formation, where we rehearsed and recorded our debut album in a matter of a couple weeks. What came out surpassed all of our expectations, and we were in such a hurry to share the music with everyone that we didn’t get around to naming the band. By default, we variously were called by a long and cumbersome list of our last names (as it is still in iTunes; we’re in the process of changing that) or by the title of our album. In the time since then, the group has grown from a great recording session moment into a band with true identity, and it only follows that we needed a name to reflect that. Viento Terral is the title of the 2nd track of our album, a nautical term referring to a type of coastal wind. It suggests the earthiness of our percussion and the sprightly vibrancy of our rhythm section, as well as the wind-powered nature of the trombone. Please follow our Facebook page or check back in here for new music and videos that we have in the works for 2019!

Check out Viento Terral’s first album below, along with some video links of live performances:

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